
Performers: stage and salon.

Daniel Nacucchio & Cristina Sosa in San Francisco Bay Area

Daniel Nacucchio & Cristina Sosa The San Francisco Bay Area   September 4-12, 2017 To schedule private lessons, contact Yumiko at Daniel Nacucchio and Cristina Sosa, 2008 World Tango Salon Champions, will be visiting the SF Bay Area! This is their first SF appearance. Whether your goal is to improve social dance skills or train for the championships, taking lessons… Read more →

Lo Que Vendrá. Performance with Fernando Lores

It has been a slow process, but I have been challenging myself to train for stage Tango since last year. Noir City Film Festival was the perfect opportunity to show case the progress. Fernando Lores and I only had a month to prepare for this performance, but with serious work, we made the debut with a big smile! What an… Read more →