Martin Almiron in SF

Martin returns to San Francisco 6/6 – 12.
He is available for private lessons in SF (East Bay on 6/7). Book early so you can secure the time and studio space! Contact Yumiko Krupenina at or Messenger for more information.

Detailed information, go to Guest Teacher page. Or go to Facebook event page for the latest updates.

Only two public appearances during this SF tour. Don’t miss his workshop and classes.
<6/9 Sunday at La Paz Milonga >
4-5:30 Musicality and fun figures useful for social dance floor. $25 workshop

<6/11 Tuesday at La Pista Progressive classes>
7-8pm Fundamental
Technique and foot works (useful for 8:30pm class)
8:30-9:30pm Int/Adv
Martin’s favorite figures
$16/class (practica included), Practica only $5.

Look forward to seeing all of you!!

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